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Showing 1 - 4 of 4 Results

Youth Reentry Results

SAN FERNANDO VALLEY CMHC Juvenile Justice Programs

Category: Youth Support

Specialties: Youth Reentry

An intensive, family-oriented, and strength-based model designed to target problem behaviors of youth in the Juvenile Justice system.

Hollywood, California, 91606-1571, United States

Juv Jus Transition Aftercare Svcs

Category: Reentry Providers

Specialties: Youth Reentry

The Juvenile Justice Transition Aftercare Services (JJTAS) Program focuses on youth transitioning from Probation camp settings back to their home communities

Los Angeles, California, 90020-1912, United States

Whole systems learning

Category: Reentry Providers

Specialties: Youth Reentry

We provide mental health, reentry, and workforce development services. We have a program that focuses on 16-29 year old African American males, to reduce overrepresentation

Long Beach, California, 90805, United States

Youth Development Services Division (YDSD)

Category: Reentry Providers

Specialties: Youth Reentry

The Independent Living Program (ILP) provides financial assistance and services to current and former foster/probation youth.

Los Angeles, California, 90005, United States